Over the past three years, I've come to know quite a bit about SUBLIMATION. To the point where I'm able to make decorate items such as blank coffee mugs, coasters, canvas, flip flops, puzzles, masks and so much more FROM HOME. 

I became interested when I found out about a lady named Cheryl Kuchek who was doing sublimation, and had a Facebook group which I joined, Sublimation for Beginners and Beyond. Beginners? Shoot, I didn't even know what sublimation was.

I've been on the prowl for the past decade, trying to figure out a way to earn money, so I could support myself as I look after my mom, as she ages. I've been doing it since June of 2010. So, it's over a decade now. I've done soooooooooooo much research, and have been down one trail after another after another after another.

I put up a website, many years ago. It was about working from home, as a caregiver, but the caregiver part of it is kinda sad, so I didn't want to drain myself by dwelling on the tough parts of being a caregiver. I wanted to find something that would be a wellspring of life for me, and I flourish, from my outflow, I could bless others.

I've done so many things along the way. I've been a taxi driver, an Uber driver, I've delivered groceries for Instacart and Postmate. I've done Tupperware, I've worked at a daycare center (outside of my home), and a hair braiding salon. I've written a book that's on Amazon

I've done ohhhh so many things, trying to figure it all out. Finally, I think I've landing on something that I'll lock into, or better yet, it's more like a quote from the movie, "Malcolm X" when Denzel Washington, portraying Malcolm X emphatically stated that he didn't land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock landed on him.

I didn't land on sublimation. Sublimation landed on me. It's like a dance now. Like a two-step, I'm invited, I'm beckoned. I go, do the dance. It's enjoyable. I like dancing. Stay tuned. Much more to come.


  1. Sublimation is a trending business, for this you need multiple things, so I believe you should have a reasonable budget before starting sublimation business. For example, you have to buy a heat press machine and a printer like sg500 sublimation printer from Sawgrass brand because it's a good printer for beginners.


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