Breonna Taylor
Breonna Taylor
Justice for Breonna
I saw the above bumper sticker, "Abuse an animal, go to jail" and I'd like to have lost my mind. How is it that people can go to jail for abusing an animal and there's no just for someone who was murdered while at home, in her apartment, sleeping in her bed? Where is the justice for Breonna?
I heard it said by one commentator that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Huh? She was in her bed. At home, in her bed. How could that possibly be the wrong place? What time would be the right time?
I do not care about her choice of boyfriends, ex, present, whatever the case may be. None of my business. What concerns me is the fact that there appears to be an abuse of power running rampant throughout the land. Nothing new, but geez. I'd like to have thought things had calmed down considerably. NOT SO!
This is inexplicable. And like I previously intimated, to add insult to injury, it seems like animals have more rights and regard than certain humans. A certain segment of society. Didn't Mike Vick go to jail because of dog abuse? Where is the justice for Breonna?
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