

For those following along, I recommend Sawgrass, printer, to start. Though I started with an iColor350, I recommend Sawgrass. Don't get me wrong, iColor350 (from UniNet) is outta sight. A dynamic piece of machinery which has transformed my life already. But, as far as an integrated system and network, Sawgrass is the way to go, for me.

I'm just chronicling the journey (leaving breadcrumbs for those who want to follow) I have embarked upon, and thus far, I am very satisfied with Sawgrass, the SG500 is what I'm starting with, with them. For those who do not know, the SG500 is for the only desktop sublimation printer. A good starter for getting into the swing of Sawgrass things.

For now, there are three main things I like about Sawgrass. I'm sure there are many more but I'll just talk about three for the moment: (1) the ink, (2) the printer and (3) the network

(1) The Ink - is SubliJet Ink specifically designed to work with Sawgrass printers. Chemical precison goes into the make up of SubliJet Ink which is a specialized ink for sublimation which when heat is applied, turns to gas and is permanently affixed to objects (hard, like coasters, wood, plastic or glass and soft, like clothing, pillow cases, blankets).

(2) The Printer - the one I have is the SG500. I can only speak on the one I have, realizing there are others. What I like about it is the precision with regard to colors which are vibrant. And the crystal sharpness of the images that are printed and heat pressed. In a word, wow!

(3) The Network - Sawgrass has a fleet of items in the integrated offerings which make it easy for a person like myself to get my business up and running. I get a free website which to me is like Esty, one difference being: GoExpression (Sawgrass's product showcasing platform) has a few hundred shop owners on their site whereas Etsy has thousands. It doesn't feel overwhelming, though things will pick up more and more, once people catch wind of it.

I'm parking and making myself at home at Sawgrass. I think I can grow a thriving and profitable home-based there. Chronicling my journey to chart my progress, and share info with others.



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